Personal Info
Full Name (Parent or guardian if rider is under 21 years old)
Rider's Age
Rider's height and weight
Contact Info
Home Address
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Work Phone
Financial Info
Who is your employer?
What is your occupation?
Do you work full time, part time, or are you self-employed?
If self-employed, please describe your profession
What is your household's annual income?
Will there be anyone helping you pay for the care of the horse? If yes, please explain
How much do you estimate it will cost per year to own your adopted horse? Please explain
Horse Experience & History
What is your experience with horses?
If you've owned a horse before, when was the last time that you owned one?
If you've owned a horse before, how many have you owned and what were their breeds?
Have you had a horse die under your ownership and/or care? If so, please explain the circumstances of the death
What style of horse riding do you practice? How many years have you been riding for?
What horse breeds have you handled and ridden?
Do you have experience with training green horses? If so, please explain
Have you ever trained an "off-the-track" thoroughbred? If so, did you receive help from a trainer or did you do it on your own?
Have you ever sold a horse? If so, are you still in contact with the individual(s) that you sold the horse to?
How many mares have you bred and foaled?
You and Your Potential Adoption Horse
Why do you want to adopt an ex-racehorse?
What qualities would you like to have in a horse? (Age, color, size, sex, temperament)
What style and level of riding do you wish to achieve?
What riding discipline is your primary focus?
How often do you want to ride/drive your horse?
Do you have a trainer? If so, please provide their contact information
Does your trainer have experience working with thoroughbreds? How many years?
Will anyone else be riding the horse? If so, please explain their experience
What would be your overall goal for the horse?
If you have an unforeseen life event (job loss, illness, divorce, etc.), what would your plan be for the adopted horse?
When would you like to adopt a horse?
Is there a specific horse that you are interested in adopting? If so, please explain
Boarding or Private Facility Info
Please provide the name, address, and phone number of the boarding facility where the horse will stay
Who owns the facility?
Is there a monthly board fee for your facility? If so, what does it cost and what does it cover?
If you do live at your facility, what do you anticipate paying per month to care for the horse?
How many horses are currently at the facility?
Will the horse have a stall or a run-in? What are the exact dimensions?
How many stalls are there in the barn?
If your horse will be in a stall, how many hours a day do you plan to have them in the stall?
How often and how many hours per day will your horse be turned out?
Who is responsible for turning out your horse?
Does the facility have pasture/paddock turnouts? If so, how many acres?
What type of fencing surrounds the pastures/paddocks? Please specify type of material, number of rails/strands, and height
How many other horses will the horse be turned out with? Will mares and geldings be separate or mixed?
Care & Feeding Info
What would be your feeding schedule for your horse?
Who will be responsible for feeding your horse?
Where will the horse be fed (stall, pasture, etc.)?
If fed in a pasture, how will you ensure that the horse is receiving a proper and required amount of feed?
What type of grain and hay will the horse be fed?
Based on your experience, how much grain and hay do you think that your horse will need per day?
Will your horse have access to grass pasture?
How often will you de-worm your adopted horse?
What annual vaccinations will your horse receive?
What is your planned farrier schedule?
Please provide the name and contact info for the vet that has been to the facility where the horse will be kept (the vet office must have you or your boarding facility down as a current client, please specify who the current client is)
Please provide the name and contact info for your farrier
Provide the name and contact info of two non-family references that are experienced with horses and are aware of your horse experience and have been to the facility
How did you hear about our program?
Adoption Contract
Have you read our adoption contract and agree to the terms and rules governing adoptions from HART?
By typing your full name below, you certify that all of the information that you have provided on this application is true and correct to the best of your knowledge
Today's Date
Type parent or guardian full name here if minor signed above
Parent or guardian signature date
If you are human, leave this field blank.